Step 2 of 3

Deadline Diet Application

Deadline Diet Application

The following questions are designed to help you connect to your deepest desires for wanting a new body, and to help me understand your situation so I can help you reach your goals. 
Be as thorough as possible

Personal Details

First Name

Last Name

Your Stats

Gender Assignment



Current Body Weight

Goal Body Weight


Bodyfat Percentage

Do You Qualify?

After watching the video on the previous page, can you confidently say that you meet the requirements listed on the right and qualify for the Deadline Diet?
Yes - I know how to track macros
Yes - I exercise 3 to 5 times per week
Yes - I am ready to commit to a rigerous program for 16 weeks.

What's Your Reason?

Describe this important event:

How many weeks until your event?

How would you feel if you showed up looking the best you ever have?

How would you feel if you showed up with your current physique?

How would your life change if you transformed your body and never went back?

What is keeping you from reaching this goal?

Explain why you feel this program will work for you:

Your Dieting History


What do you feel is the missing piece of the puzzle?

What else do you want us to know about your history or situation?

Expectations & Commitments

This program requires a financial investment that aligns with the profound, life-changing transformation you're about to experience. Committing financially will help hold you accountable to your goals, allowing for greater dedication, focus, and ultimately, faster results.

How much do you value a program that is guaranteed to remove all obstacles from your path so you can finally transform your body once and for all?


Your Contact Details

Email Address

Phone Number

I understand that this program is by invitation only.
I understand that committing financialy will hold me accountable to my goals
I understand that this program is guaranteed to work or I get a full refund, and that I am required to follow it exactly as written in order to qualify for that refund.

Where did your previous diets fail you?

I understand that if invited, I will be ask to sign up & begin immediately.