Your Personalized Step-By-Step Instructions for...
Losing Weight And Burning Fat…
While Eating The Foods You Love…
WITHOUT Starving Yourself In The Process
(Even if every single diet has failed you before)
Advanced Macro Blueprint + Free Bonus Bundle!
100% Accurate Coach-Reviewed Macros
Step-by-step Macro Instructions
100 Macro Friendly Recipes
Example Macro Meal Plan
Metabolic Refeed Instructions
"Time Killer" Belly Blasting Plan
VIP Coaching Group Access
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
$37 (one time)
$27 (one time)
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100% Safe & Secure
Add The 3-In-1 Perfect Food Bundle!!!: Give me immediate access to The Meal Plan Planner, The Perfect Macro Food Guide & the IIFYM Fat Loss Cheatsheet! (Total Value: $108, You Pay ONLY $27!)
Simply follow your personalized IIFYM Fat Loss Macro Blueprint and… You WILL make progress towards your goals in the first 90 days! And if you don't, I'll gladly refund you DOUBLE your purchase price. Click here for details.
90 Day Double Money Back Guarantee
My promise to you:
It took me years to develop the strategy that you are about to undertake, and I am very proud of my work.
This is the exact reason I advertise that my Blueprint works 100% of the time for 100% of the people that follow it.
It is set up that way by design, and if you truly follow it exactly as I laid out, it will work for you just as well as it has worked for thousands of other people before you.
As promised, it does come with a 90-day DOUBLE your money back guarantee.
If you wish to request a refund you must show that you followed my program as written and did not make progress towards your goals.
The information required to determine your progress is as follows:
Access to your online food logs showing that you hit your macros within 5 grams every day during your 90 days of following your Blueprint.
Show on your food log that you adjusted your macros, based on my instructions in your Blueprint.
Provide your weekly measurements as suggested in your personalized Blueprint.
Provide your weekly progress pictures as suggested in your personalized Blueprint. (You have my word that these pictures will not be shared)
That is what following the Blueprint means.
Remember, you are trying to change your body. In order to do that, you must change your behavior. It will not always be easy, but it will be very rewarding.
If you follow the Blueprint as written, you are guaranteed to lose weight while eating the foods you love.